My first contact with the Adobe Suite was in high school when I started making photo manipulations for my girlfriend, now fiancé, and found fascination in the fact that I could create in the digital world what was in my mind. Corny, I know.
Few years after a lot of tutorials, I decided to take a course on multimedia, which allowed me to have my first job as a motion graphic designer.
After working in that company for 3 years and having the opportunity to meet amazing and talented people, I decided to go freelance so I could be free to have my own schedule and be more creative. Never for one moment I regretted this, as It was the best decision of my life, professionally. This was the time when I created Piktufa where I sell after effects templates at Envato. It still amazes me every time someone buys one of my projects, because I never imagined that I would be selling my work worldwide.
Having a passive income allowed me also to pursue other dreams, one of them being to live in a different country. I arrived London in 2017 and have been freelancing since then. In this amazing multicultural city, I grew so much as a professional, given that the standards are higher and I learnt a lot.